UNCORK UNTAP UNWIND 2022 - A Great Success!
UNCORK UNTAP UNWIND on Saturday, October 22, was a great success, with over $118,000 raised in gross revenue towards West Park’s critical mission.
Hosted online by acclaimed Canadian chef Lynn Crawford, guests prepared a three-course, fall-inspired menu, including Pumpkin Soup with Ginger, Coconut, and Thai Red Curry; Cornish Hens with Caramelised Pears and Endive; Stuffed Spaghetti Squash as the vegetarin main, and a Caramel Apple Dutch Baby for dessert.
The evening’s wine was the 2021 Reserve Merlot from 13th Street Winery. While dining, guests enjoyed a musical performance from JUNO-Award winning artist Sean Jones.
Thank you to our sponsors:
Presenting Sponsor:
Culinary Sponsor:
First Course Sponsor
Main Course Sponsor
Wine Sponsor
Sous-chef Sponsor
Extendicare Assist
Jim Fleck & Georgina Steinsky
Linda Tickins & Co Real Estate
LiUNA! Ontario Provincial District Council
Montgomery Sisam Architects Inc.
Sherrard Kuzz LLP
West Park Healthcare Centre
Teri Brown
Jennifer Mazin
Kaiser & Partners