2025 World TB Day Conference Speaker Bios
Sarah Brode MD FRCP(C)
Adult Respirology and Mycobacterial Disease
University Health Network and West Park Healthcare Centre
BIO: Dr. Sarah Brode is an assistant professor of medicine at the University of Toronto. She is the physician lead of the Tuberculosis (TB) Program at West Park Healthcare Centre, and a staff respirologist and a clinician in the Nontuberculous Mycobacteria (NTM) and TB Programs at Toronto Western Hospital (University Health Network). Her research focuses on epidemiology, treatment, and outcomes in TB and NTM.
Presentation Title: New TBI Regimens – 3HP Expansion & TBI Clinical Trials
- Describe indications, availability, and considerations for use of 3HP (3 months once weekly isoniazid and rifapentine) in Ontario
- Identify ongoing and upcoming TB preventive therapy (TPT) clinical trials in Canada
Dr. Razan Frances
Bio: Dr. Frances is a TB/NTM fellow at University Health Network. She graduated from medical school at the University of Damascus, Syria. She completed internal medicine training at McMaster University and respirology training at the University of Ottawa.
Presentation title: Approach to Chest X-Rays
- Review lung anatomy, chest x-ray orientation, and common radiographic terminology.
- Gain an understanding of typical and atypical TB radiographic findings in the immunocompetent and immunosuppressed host.
- Understand the radiographic presentation for diseases that can mimic TB.
Ms. Dipanpreet Kaur, TB Peoples Canada Survivor
Bio: Ms. Dipanpreet Kaur is a poet and author. She is pursuing a Honors BA at York University with a focus on communication, health, and gender studies. She serves as a Student Communications Assistant for the YorkU LAPS faculty and contributes as a UN volunteer, advancing SDG Goals and Youth Empowerment. She advocates for poverty eradication, and TB elimination while inspiring youth to create global impact through leadership in NPO’s like Results Canada, STOP TB Peoples and Peace by Peace,
Presentation Title: A TB Survivor’s Story of Advocacy and Hope
- To explore the effects of contracting TB and treatment challenges.
- How to raise awareness and compassion.
- Preventive Measures & Hygiene.
Ian Kitai MD
Tuberculosis Specialist, Division of Infectious Diseases, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University of Toronto
BIO: Dr. Ian Kitai is the Tuberculosis Specialist in the ID Division at SickKids and a Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Toronto. He has authored many publications related to pediatric TB in Canada and was the first or senior author of the pediatric chapter of the last 3 editions of the Canadian TB Standards.
Presentation Title: Perinatal and congenital TB. Recent experience and recommendations
- Describe presentations of congenital TB using illustrative cases.
- Discuss diagnosis and management of congenital TB.
- Review management of the infant born to a mother treated for TB in pregnancy with focus on encouraging normal delivery practices and mother-infant bonding.
Dr. Jessica Kapralik, MD
Physician/Respirologist at Weeneebayko Area Health Authority, University Health Network,
Hamilton Health Sciences, iHealth Center
Bio: Dr. Jessica Kapralik is a Respirologist who completed her fellowship in the TB/NTM Program in 2022. She currently practices within the TB/NTM Clinics at the University Health Network (UHN). Throughout her training, Dr. Kapralik developed a profound interest in the historical impact of tuberculosis (TB) on Canada, particularly within Indigenous communities. She furthered her expertise by completing additional training in Indigenous Studies. Presently, she serves as the Clinical Lead for the TB Program at Weeneebayko Area Health Authority, which provides healthcare to communities along the James Bay Coast in Northern Ontario.
Presentation Title: “The Enduring Plague”: Tuberculosis Care in Northern Ontario
• Examine the historical context of tuberculosis in Northern Canada.
• Analyze the current state of tuberculosis in Indigenous and Inuit communities across Canada, and explore why it remains an “enduring plague.”
• Explore the challenges of providing care in these communities and the strategies employed by the TB Program to address them.
Angela Ma, PhD, D(ABMM), FCCM
Bio: Dr. Angela Ma is a Clinical Microbiologist at Public Health Ontario overseeing the Mycobacteriology Laboratory Section and Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto. She completed a CPEP fellowship in Medical and Public Health Laboratory Microbiology at the University of Utah and ARUP Laboratories. Her research interests include molecular diagnostics and epidemiology, antimicrobial resistance, and applications for next generation sequencing.
Presentation Title: Advances in Molecular Approaches for TB Diagnostics
- Review molecular PCR methodologies for early TB detection and drug resistance prediction.
- Introduce whole genome sequencing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex cultures for the province of Ontario
- Discuss testing considerations and limitations to WGS for MTBC
Dr. Liane Macdonald, MD MSc FRCPC,
Bio: is a Physician Lead in Communicable Disease Control at Public Health Ontario (PHO), where she supports communicable disease work including provincial surveillance of tuberculosis. She is an Assistant Professor (Status Only) at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto, and a member of the five Ontario universities’ Public Health and Preventive Medicine residency program committees.
Presentation Title: Update on TB Epidemiology: Global, Canadian and Ontario Perspectives
- Describe recent global active TB epidemiologic trends
- Discuss available Canadian surveillance data on active TB and drug-resistant TB epidemiology, with a health equity lens on TB incidence
- Locate the most up to date provincial surveillance data on active TB and LTBI in Ontario
- Describe the count and incidence rate for active TB cases reported in Ontario for 2024 to date
Elizabeth Rea MD MSc FRCPC
Associate Medical Officer of Health
Tuberculosis Program, Toronto Public Health
Dr Elizabeth Rea has been the Associate Medical Officer of Health with the TB Program at Toronto Public Health since 2005. She is a co-author of the 2022 Canadian TB Standards, past-chair of Stop TB Canada, and an adjunct professor at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto.
Presentation Title: De-isolation for TB: Implementation of the shorter 2022 Canadian guidelines
- Identify the criteria for de-isolation
- Identify 2 common challenges
- Identify 1 strategy to support roll-out
Ms. Andrea Saunders, RN, BscN, MSc.
Bio: Ms. Andrea: Andrea Saunders is a Communicable Diseases Specialist in Communicable Disease Control at Public Health Ontario. She has worked as both a nurse and an epidemiologist in TB prevention and care at the local, provincial, and federal levels, and is a graduate of the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Field Epidemiology Program.
Presentation Title: Update on TB Epidemiology: Global, Canadian and Ontario Perspectives
- Describe recent global active TB epidemiologic trends
- Discuss available Canadian surveillance data on active TB and drug-resistant TB epidemiology, with a health equity lens on TB incidence
- Locate the most up to date provincial surveillance data on active TB and LTBI in Ontario
- Describe the count and incidence rate for active TB cases reported in Ontario for 2024 to date
Dr. Sarah Silverberg
BIO: Dr. Sarah Silverberg is a mycobacterial fellow with the division of nephrology and a graduate student at the Institute for Health Policy, Management and Evaluation at the University of Toronto. She recently completed her pediatric infectious diseases training at the Hospital for Sick Children and previously completed her pediatrics residency at BC Children’s Hospital.
Presentation Title: Pediatric TB treatment and toxicities: A review of recent evidence
- Review the standards for treatment of pediatric TB
- Explore recent evidence regarding adverse drug effects in children and adolescents
- Discuss recent trials regarding shorter-course treatments for pediatric patients
Howard Song, MD, PhD
Tuberculosis Service
West Park Healthcare Centre
BIO: Dr. Howard Song received his combined MD and PhD degrees from the University of Toronto in 2006. He subsequently obtained his Fellowship from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons in Infectious Diseases in 2011. After his graduation, Dr. Song joined West Park Healthcare Centre as an Infectious Disease consultant in 2011. His primary area of clinical interest is in Tuberculosis and other mycobacterial infections. He has also served as the physician lead of the Antimicrobial Stewardship Program at West Park Healthcare Centre since 2012. Dr. Song currently holds the position of adjunct professor in the Temerty Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto.
Presentation Title: The ABCs of BPaLM
- Understanding the new paradigm of multi-drug resistant TB treatment.
- Appreciating the logistics of implementing BPaLM regime
- Understanding the current limitations
Dr. Robin Taylor, MD, PhD
Bio: Dr. Robin Taylor is an Associate Medical Officer of Health with OPH. She has supported the TB team at OPH for the past 8 years. She graduated from medical school at the University of Calgary, holds a PhD from the University of British Columbia, and she split her Public Health and Preventive Medicine residency training between McGill University, where she earned a Masters in Epidemiology and Biostatistics, and Queen’s University. Robin enjoys the collegiality of public health TB work in Ottawa/Ontario, the diverse caseload, and the opportunities for prevention and health equity.
Ms. Jordi Reid, RN, BScN
Bio: Ms. Jordi Reid is a Public Health Nurse in the Infectious Disease Program at OPH and has been working at OPH since graduating nursing school in 2021. TB case management work resonates with Jordi because it offers a unique balance of providing individualized client support while delivering broader public health impact.
Ms Cindy Nguyen, RN, BScN
Bio: Ms.Cindy Nguyen is a Public Health Nurse in the Infectious Disease Program at Ottawa Public Health since 2020. She had the unique opportunity to join the team during the pandemic and expanded her role to TB case management as she finds this work rewarding, particularly supporting vulnerable and marginalized clients impacted by TB.
Presentation Title: The Role of Genotyping in Complex Contact Tracing: A Case Study
- Identify how genotyping can clarify epi links between cases and assist in public health investigations
- Demonstrate how genotyping can aid process improvement in TB case and contact management work