Helping People Back to Active Life
Helping People Back to Active Life
More than 225,000 Canadians live with limb loss, and that number is expected to climb as our population ages.
West Park is the largest provider of inpatient amputee rehabilitation services in Canada. We are also one of the few facilities that provide amputees with the full continuum of care on site from start to finish – rehabilitation, custom fitting, custom construction, and maintenance and adjustments – enabling people to learn to use their prosthetics as quickly as possible.
The new West Park will include a Prosthetics & Orthotics Centre that is more than double the size of our current space, so we can help more people return to active life following amputation. It will also provide an enhanced patient experience, with the addition of a larger gait assessment area and private consultation rooms.

Clinical Resource Leader—
Physiotherapy and Winfried Heim,
Manager of Prosthetics & Orthotics.
The expanded centre will support innovative and new technologies that will advance the design and manufacture of prosthetics and orthotics. New equipment will include a robotic carver with the ability to carve any material, for any application, with precision and speed, as well as a 3D printer to build personalized prostheses and orthoses. This 3D printer has been generously supported through a gift from the estate of Helen Allen Stacey.
This story originally appeared in the Fall 2023 issue of the Giving Lives Back newsletter. Click here to read the full issue.