One week to go! Countdown to the new West Park
One week to go! Countdown to the new West Park
April 7, 2024
One week from today, on April 14, the new West Park will open to patients!
Over the course of the day, all of our current inpatients will be moved into our six-storey, 730,000-square foot facility, the centre of a campus-wide redevelopment that will transform the delivery of our rehabilitation and complex care services.
Our new hospital building includes many design features that will improve the care experience for our inpatients. And it also has double our current outpatient capacity, so that more people can benefit from our excellent care during the day and sleep in their own bed at night.
Have a look at our new outpatient facilities in this short video:
The largest of the three wings in the new hospital is devoted to outpatient care, with expanded clinic and rehabilitation facilities, including a salt-water therapy pool that is six times larger than our current pool. The outpatient wing will also include a modern Activities of Daily Living suite with a kitchen, washroom and laundry, to help patients prepare for a life of independence.
Our expanded facilities are also enabling us to open new programs, such as a Geriatric Day Program to help keep seniors healthy, active and living in their own homes for longer.
We’re excited at what our new facility will mean for our patients!
Stay tuned for more news about our opening as we get closer to the big move.
Beginning April 15, West Park will have a new address: 170 Emmett Avenue, Toronto, ON, M6M 2J5