Edward Barnes
95-Year-Old Amputee Sets West Park Record
When 95-year-old Edward Barnes first arrived at West Park after losing his left leg above the knee due to peripheral vascular disease, his care team were planning to help him live independently in a wheelchair. Individuals of Mr. Barnes’ age typically aren’t eligible for an above-knee prosthetic leg.
Mr. Barnes, however, surpassed all expectations, becoming West Park’s oldest patient to use an above-knee prosthetic leg.His determination to be independent and his positive attitude toward his recovery has been nothing short of impressive to his care team and his family.
Above-knee amputations present great challenges, says West Park physiatrist Dr. Steven Dilkas. “It can take 70-80 per cent more energy than you or I to walk with an above-knee prosthesis, so it’s really inspirational that he was able to accomplish this.”
As his son Nigel says “My dad is very determined…once he sets his mind to doing something, he is doing it” and jokes that his father’s determinationto recovery quickly is so he can have “control of the remote control.”
Mr. Barnes himself says, “It’s been a very rocky road but there is no reason to give up, to not go forward.”
His story proved so compelling that CTV’s Pauline Chan stopped by at the end of March to profile him. Watch the story here:
This story originally appeared in the Spring 2023 issue of the Giving Lives Back newsletter. Click here to read the full issue.